Thursday, May 24, 2012

Three Character Designs

For my character design class this last week, our teacher told us to draw three characters in the style of three comic book artists. He gave us a good list to chose from but said if we had someone else in mind who was not on the list that we could run the name past him. I really enjoyed this assignment he gave us, so far it's my second favorite that he's given us in that class. Below you'll see my pictures and I'll give you links and/or info on the artist I referenced.

"Celeste in Alessandro Barbucci"
Firstly, let me say that Celeste is an O.C. (original character) of mine from a story a friend and I have been working on for the last ten+ years. Given that my style is more anime this was a bit of a challenge. The artist style I'm referencing here is Alessandro Barucci, a French comic artist who's best known for his story Sky Doll. He really has a thing for large eyes and small noses... hey I do too so yay us!
"Saera in Jim Lee"
Marvel & DC fans will recognize the name of Jim Lee I'm sure. He's done some great work on X-Men and Batman. This chick here is another O.C. of mine, Saera is my alternate spelling of Sara, silly I know but I made this character up before Jr. High and my spelling was worse back then. While she is hands down my oldest character I've only drawn her a handful of times. This is easily my favorite of the three and I showed her to my dad who's a big Batman fan and he loved it, saying it was very much the right style. 

"Anne in Kouta Hirano"
Anne is a brand new character of mine, she like almost a year old... and it was very hard to draw her and not color her hair black. Anime fans will know Kouta Hirano for his work Hellsing, oddly enough his name was spelled wrong on the first Hellsing volume that was translated... 

Alessandro Barbucci's blog This is in French.

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