Saturday, December 15, 2012

December Sketchbook Dumping!

This won't be the whole sketchbook but it's what I liked best.

Below are some sketches of buildings in Disneyland, thanks to Disneyland Facebook for having these posted  so I could use reference. :)
"Jolly Holiday"
"Carnation Cafe"

This picture I added just for fun. We're finally getting some snow here in SLC, I took this with my phone this morning after I shoveled the driveway and sidewalk.

Friday, December 7, 2012

There is always a moment!

Here is a clip of a 6 second lip sync that I've been working on as my final for Intermediate 2D Animation. Been working on it for three weeks between a family crisis and the job. The sound clip I got from the 11 Second Club, their info say's it's from The Closer. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Animation Club!

At the Art Institute I'm a member of the Animation Club, today a few member of the club went to the mall to draw people. Some of us called it the Creeper Drawing Party. It was a lot of fun and we had comments and people looking at us. Here's what we did today:

Monday, November 5, 2012

October Sketchbook dump, pt. 2

Here is the rest from my sketch book of last month. :)


October's Sketchbook Dump, pt. 1

Here's my sketch book dumping from last month, not too much but I'm getting better with my quality and shapes I think.

I'm showing my love of Games of Thrones with my image above.

Showing more love from Game of Thrones.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Anne Corvine, B.S.A.A

"Anne Corvine, B.S.A.A"

    An updated version of an original character I've created for a Biohazard/Resident Evil fanfic I've decided I'll bunker down and right. She is not a love interest, she's a friend interest. Anne is a younger member of the B.S.A.A., and you'll be seeing her in my fic sometime in  January. That is if you read fanfics. She will be partnered with Chris and Ark in the story on the hunt for some speacial B.O.W's

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Skull with Candles

"Skull with Candles"

I really like the use of candles in my still lives because I can get sweet shadows/lighting from them. When I finished the sketching for this and was picking my medium I was going to do this in calk and I still can't find those calks so I went for the next best thing, my charcoals.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My Favorite 3D Animations thus far

I have just finished my intro to 3D Animation class at the AI of SLC, these are my favorites. :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

"Just Leave Everything to Me."

"Just Leave Everything to Me."

I don't draw 'realistic' people very often so I've decided to try and get better at that. I'm also showing off my speed drawing skills here since this was done in about a half hour with four different #2 pencils.
This is Barbra Streisand, a lovely actress and singer who I first saw in the movie production of Hello Dolly!. Those of you unfamiliar with the musical will know two of the songs via Wall-E, Put on Your Sunday Clothes and It Only Takes a Moment. It's a good movie and if you're a musical fan or a Gleek you'll love it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sneaky Walk Cycle

It could be better but I think this is working well for my limited experience. Tis a sneaky walk if you can't tell.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Sketch Book Dump!

I think my title pretty much say's it all. Most of these are nature based that I drew from life but a few others are just for fun.

"Pumpkin Leaves"

"Sage Flowers"

"Tree no 3"

"Tree no 2"

"Tree no 1"
"The Spooky Clock"

"Cupcakes with Personality"

"The Gargoyle"

And I'm closing this with: I love small sketch books, they are so easy to lug around.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Hunted Mansion Medusa

The Medusa Portrait from the Haunted Mansion. This has been the easiest of the ones I've done and really the most fun. She's all menacing but those snakes are actually really cute if you look closely at them.

Done with graphite, 2 1/2 hours

Friday, July 6, 2012

Still Life No. 8

"Still Life No. 8"
Two hours, graphite, a candle, dried rose, and a book covered by fabric. Light source is the candle.
I'm trying to get back to a good spot with shading so this month will be some still life.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rowen Gesture Sketch

"Rowen's Gesture"
Back in the 90's when Cartoon Network actually showed good cartoons, there was this segment on there called Toonami which showed Anime. I really have Toonami to thank for my fanship of Anime, and one of those shows was called The Ronin Warriors.
The Ronin Warriors was a show about five young men who wore magical armor and fought against an evil demon who wanted to take over the world. This is a quick digital sketch of one of those guys, Rowen of Strata or Touma no Tenku in Japanese.
I've drawn him and his four friends many times before; this is my first digital quick sketch though and I wasn't going for 'pretty' so much as I was going after the gesture.

The Attic East End

"The Attic East End Sketch"
In my background and layout final we had to design a room where you can see some back-story. Now the sketch here tells it better than my final below. Here is the story:

This is the eastern corner of a large attic in a house where an old family of witches live. These witches are demon hunters and well versed in all forms of magic. No one has been in this attic for about thirty years, and in this attic they store their most deadly and powerful weapon. A book of shadows possessed by an ancient spirit.

"The East Side of the Attic"
And here is the final piece... yeah I don't like working in Maya. It didn't help that I'm working almost full time now too. So I didn't get a chance to add the stained glass window or the lighting, which would have made a lot of difference. I might try to revisit this someday and make it better.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Syrenity the Unicorn

"Syrenity the Unicorn"

My model is my very own chestnut Arabian mare, Syrenity. I made her a unicorn as apart of an assignment at school. Truth be told I'm very proud with how this turned out since it's the second time I've drawn her since I've had her.

The Griffin

"The Griffin"

Wow could this have come out any smaller?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Gladiola 1.0

"Gladiola 1.0"

I'm going to really try and study flowers and nature a little more, we can start with this. This was done in photoshop, I'm trying to stay away from lines for a bit so my stuff stops looking like a coloring book thus here I'm using color as the line.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Three Character Designs

For my character design class this last week, our teacher told us to draw three characters in the style of three comic book artists. He gave us a good list to chose from but said if we had someone else in mind who was not on the list that we could run the name past him. I really enjoyed this assignment he gave us, so far it's my second favorite that he's given us in that class. Below you'll see my pictures and I'll give you links and/or info on the artist I referenced.

"Celeste in Alessandro Barbucci"
Firstly, let me say that Celeste is an O.C. (original character) of mine from a story a friend and I have been working on for the last ten+ years. Given that my style is more anime this was a bit of a challenge. The artist style I'm referencing here is Alessandro Barucci, a French comic artist who's best known for his story Sky Doll. He really has a thing for large eyes and small noses... hey I do too so yay us!
"Saera in Jim Lee"
Marvel & DC fans will recognize the name of Jim Lee I'm sure. He's done some great work on X-Men and Batman. This chick here is another O.C. of mine, Saera is my alternate spelling of Sara, silly I know but I made this character up before Jr. High and my spelling was worse back then. While she is hands down my oldest character I've only drawn her a handful of times. This is easily my favorite of the three and I showed her to my dad who's a big Batman fan and he loved it, saying it was very much the right style. 

"Anne in Kouta Hirano"
Anne is a brand new character of mine, she like almost a year old... and it was very hard to draw her and not color her hair black. Anime fans will know Kouta Hirano for his work Hellsing, oddly enough his name was spelled wrong on the first Hellsing volume that was translated... 

Alessandro Barbucci's blog This is in French.

Shake of the Head

"A Shake of the Head"

Okay so this is super friggin' short, but it's kinda my pencil test. A cat shaking it's head once, this isn't even one second long so you might end up watching it a couple times.
12 frames used in PAP

Friday, May 18, 2012


Raiden is a highly trained warlock-like character of mine that I’ve had since like.. 2003 I want to say. This is the first time I’ve drawn him though just because he doesn’t like to be seen.
And in truth neither of us are thrilled with the way this picture scanned into my computer. It looks so much better on the sheet of paper sitting on my drawing desk.
Raiden is a highly trained assassin who controls shadow demons, hence the dark shapes around him. Now his sunglasses are not there to make him look cool, as per the usual boring crap, they actually serve a purpose. His eyes are extremely sensitive to bright lights, like more so than the Gremlins, so these help him see.
The medium I used here are manga grade markers.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Doodle II

"Doodle II, copying scene"

Twenty points to the person who can tell me what this is from.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Bambi's First Kiss

"Bambi's First Kiss"
This is my favorite scene in Bambi and I have absolutely no idea why.

Mina - The Alchemist

"Mina - The Alchemist"

This is an original character (OC) I've created for a story I've been working on for a little over a year now. Mina here is an alchemist but she's also considered an eccentric. She dies her hair bright red, has 13 tattoos (10 of them are on her back), works as a nude model, and is a big flirt. Out of my three main character's she's the sexy one you want your boyfriend to avoid, not that she'd steel him she's too nice to do that.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

An Anti-Something Member, A daily doodle..

Well more of a monthly really, I've been working on her for a while now and she was going to be a character for a Resident Evil / Biohazard fanfic I was working on but I don't think I'll get around to writting the fic due to time and trying to finish another fic I've been doing for over a year now. We'll see what happens.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Daily Doodles/Drawings

In an effort to do some shameless promotions to get followers and some feedback on my art, I'm going to start something later today called a Daily Doodle. Simply I'll put up one picture, be it pretty or fugly, and we'll sit back and see what happens. To give you an idea I'll give you a drawing I did last week, then add another drawing later tonight.

Oh and to my fellow Wiccan/pagans/whateveryoucallyourself: BLESSED BELTANE!

No I don't know what creature this is...